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    http://www.spearfishingmotion.com www.subaquavideo.com
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    apnea/ pesca subacquea

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  1. Hola! Un reportage exceptionnel fait sur la chasse sous-marine aux thons jaunes/ albacores sur les dispositif de concentration de poissons/D.C.P. L’action se situe loin au large des îles sud Caraïbes. Merci pour le feed back!
  2. virgili


  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocD7S_GAvwI
  4. Ho usato un fucile T Botha / South Africa ...
  5. tre diverse tonno! per esempio: tonno rosso, allunga, tonno denti di cane
  6. Benvenuto a bordo!! I’m organizing a 1st Tuna Grand Slam Open 2020! The tournament will begin on the 1st of july 2020. The winner will receive a worth about 2,000 $ wood tuna gun and two shafts. The Open rules: The RULE 1: The Grand Slam winner will be the first diver who takes during the next months 3 different kind of tuna species. The tuna captures must be made among this 8 specie list: ALBACORE/ Thunnus alalunga- YELLOWFIN TUNA/ Thunnus albacares- BLACKFIN TUNA/Thunnus atlanticus- SOUTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA/Thunnus maccoyii- BIGEY TUNA/Thunnus obesus PACIFIC BLUEFIN TUNA/ Thunnus orientalis- NO
  7. Off the Cuba South west coast ...
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