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Risposte pubblicato da Pakystunt

  1. Ciao A Zagabria e andata bene ,fiera bellina tanta gente tanti compratori e tutti molto corretti ,si e vista una sola macchina fotografica .Per il Vela nuovo visto il poco interesse preferisco tenerlo sotto naftalina ,chi vuole vederlo o provarlo deve passare da me , o in qualche dimostrazione in giro per l'Italia .

    In compenso o trovato un sacco di materiale sul brevetto del sistema a paranco .Ce ne uno Francese del 1982 scaduto nel 92 dove spiega il sistema e l'uso del paranco per demoltiplicare la spinta .Insomma nessuno inventa niente .Se qualcuno sa il Francese e vuole pubblicare la spiegazione gli mando il materiale . Poi ce ne uno Russo uno Americano e un altro francese ,alla faccia della novità .

    Itio, why did you scared of me, when i was giving hand to you hahaha, because of my 2m height or :)

  2. Yesterday I was in Zagreb on boat show and meet Mr. Alemanni. I saw his new rollergun. It is invert vela system with only two loadings.

    Really simple and easy to use. We try to talk a little bit and i like his simple ideas.

    This gun is made for 7mm spears I think, and mr. Alemanni says that there is no any recoil.

  3. Today i made test on my vela rolergun. I have made some changes on gun and Finally i got perfect precision on long ranges... On this test i shot on 5m plywood measured from tip of spear.

    I have measured distance with meter... Speed is about 24-25ms on 5m but water is 12C, in warmer sea it will be better

    Setup is 8m 135shaft

    17,5+2x16 under

    up classic 14,5

    download video on link, go up to right corner to Download in HD... watching in internet Explorer is low quality





    I'll try to translate:

    Tests finished, the gun shoots shafts from 6,5 x 135 to 8 x 130 without any change.

    With 7,5 x 135 and 8 x 130 the gun remain accurate from 4 to 6 meters from the tip of the spear without any elevation.

    The lenght is 100 and you have to do two efforts to load it, with the old system you had to do three efforts and for the 8 mm shaft it needed one more rubber (the tradiotional one).

    Now I'll try with 120 and 130 cm long guns, I'm very curious to see what appens with 9,5-10mm shafts.

    If I solve with Oreste the next year you'll know what that is. I anticipate that you can't do it on tube spearguns.......yet......but I'm thinking about a workaround. I have half a mind...


    I hope you have understood a bit more!



    Thank you very much =) Daniele


    Is that samo kind of Volcan system?


    Hello Paky, if you had to come in Croatia we organize a fished entirety, but with you in motorcycle I do not come to us! :whistling:



    No problem I will learn you how to ride on rear or front wheel hehe, it is less complicated than make vela system shoots straight =D


    I'll try to translate:

    Tests finished, the gun shoots shafts from 6,5 x 135 to 8 x 130 without any change.

    With 7,5 x 135 and 8 x 130 the gun remain accurate from 4 to 6 meters from the tip of the spear without any elevation.

    The lenght is 100 and you have to do two efforts to load it, with the old system you had to do three efforts and for the 8 mm shaft it needed one more rubber (the tradiotional one).

    Now I'll try with 120 and 130 cm long guns, I'm very curious to see what appens with 9,5-10mm shafts.

    If I solve with Oreste the next year you'll know what that is. I anticipate that you can't do it on tube spearguns.......yet......but I'm thinking about a workaround. I have half a mind...


    I hope you have understood a bit more!



    Thank you very much =) Daniele


    Is that samo kind of Volcan system?






    bah ... the quality is worth .... :(

    Did you put video in HD, if yes... after rendering on vimeo video will be watchable in HD, ;)


    we are mounting a video in HD of ca. 10 min turned in canaria. with several shots.

    I am tryng to take out the shots as single frames....

    This one i toke it from dropbox and from iphone i have put it on vimeo. gonna retry tonight to see if quality will be better.


    Good, looks like there is no any recoil ;)

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