Tag: dentex

When Dentex becomes an obsession…
During more recent years, dentex hunting has become my top priority, almost an obsession! Great thrill, even bigger disappointment (mostly disappointment), and sometimes incredible moments have come along with this amazing prey. Dentex-dentex is a unique species. A notorious predator full of specialized characteristics and abilities: speed, suspiciousness, power, and two pairs of ultra sharp fangs! Total devotion and dedication to the hunt, along with deep diving and long breath holding abilities of course, are mandatory in order to just begin discovering their secrets. Still, you will never be able to feel completely sure against them. There isn’t a point that you will totally master this specialized technique. When it comes to dentex hunting, the possibility of ending up with your shaft lying on the sea bed and the fish swimming unharmed, miles away, is always at the top of the menu. Total frustration!